Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Do It Yourselfer

I have never had an artistic bone in my body.  That's my brother.  He is amazing. Ask him to draw anything and it is effortless for him. I have always been the drama queen in the family and love to act and sing and dance.  Okay, I STILL AM the drama queen :)

When my father passed away, I needed something to do. I needed something to take my mind off of the pain but keep busy at the same time and have something to show for it.  That is also about the same time I became aware of Pinterest.  So needless to say it was a dangerous time for me.  I started finding things that I never even knew that you could do with regular household items and I started doing them.

In addition to my monthly beauty subscriptions, I also have crafting subscriptions.  These are surprise DIY boxes that come with all the tools and supplies that I need for a project, mailed to my door.

The first one I love is Darby Smart and it is only $19 a month.  If you sign up with this link, you will get $10 off your first order.  They are constantly emailing discount codes and special offers for the boxes that they sell online (which are different than the monthly boxes) and they have a showroom where they will feature the crafts that you have done.

Here are some of the recent ones that I have done.

The tools and supplies that they send are usually enough to use for future projects and not just a one time thing.  And I love the variety of the boxes.  I currently have a box on the way for a craft I will feature in another post, too! :) They also have great customer service.

The second craft subscription I do is Whimseybox and it is only $15 a month.  If you sign up with this link, you will get $5 off your first order.

I just started this subscription and this is my first box.  I am hopeful that they will be just as good.

Again, there are plenty of supplies that will be able to be used towards future products.  They have a whole community on their website where you can interact with other crafters, too.  They also have very good customer service.  

Joining these subscriptions has helped me in so many ways. I never thought that I would know how to stamp metal and make jewelry.  Plus, it helps me get out of my head for awhile and I know that my dad would be proud of the things that I have made.

Anything that is sold at the store you can make yourself and make it the way that you want with your own style.  Don't be afraid to try!!  I make jewelry all the time now and I do owe it all to Darby Smart!!

Have you subscribed to these subscriptions too?

What are your favorite crafts to do?

Have a great day!!

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