Thursday, July 3, 2014

Caudalie Overnight Detox Oil Review

The other day I wrote a post about the Caudalie Anti Ox contest I won.  I talked about all of the wonderful products they sent me.

Well, let's go back a bit further (after all it is throwback Thursday) my Birchbox a couple boxes ago, I had gotten a sample of the Caudalie Overnight Detox Oil.  I know it is quite popular nowadays (although this tradition began years ago) to rub oil on your face for cleansing and healing purposes.  Read more here.

I, myself, have oily skin so I truly thought it would not benefit me.  But, as I usually use all of the products I get in my beauty boxes, I tried it.

Cue the singing birds and falling hearts....I FELL IN LOVE!!

This product is 100% plant based.  It supports new cell growth and eliminates toxins.  Basically, that means it makes me prettier then I was when I went to sleep :)

This is the first time I have bought the full size bottle.  You can, too, here.

I had some breakouts when I tried it and they were gone when I woke up.  No other product have I ever used, has given me such dramatic, instant results.  And isn't that what we all want?  We want what we want when we want it??  Um, yes please!

I had no idea how to use it when I first got the small sample so I just rubbed a bunch on my face because that seemed like a good idea :)

The full size actually came with instructions so now I can pretend I know what I'm doing.

Even though this is expensive, a little is all I need so it will last me while.  I also read some reviews and this really got me excited:

Research results:
In a 28-day clinical test on 21 volunteers, after 1 application every night:
- 86% saw detoxified skin
- 100% saw recharged skin
- 100% saw skin recover more easily 
- 95% saw smoother skin
- 100% said it adapted to their skin type

In other words, I have a lot to look forward to!  It has a very distinct smell, like woodsy, herby, earthy smells.  But it actually grows on you.  It can be used alone or before your moisturizer.  I think it is so moisturizing on it's own though. My skin is supple, bright and clearing up more and more every day. I say clearing up because once I stopped using the sample I was using, I immediately noticed a difference!

Plus it's French and makes me feel really fancy and who doesn't like that? I 100% recommend and love this product.  If you got one in your Birchbox and haven't tried it, try it! Hopefully I will get another sample soon and I can give it away in my next giveaway :)

My next upcoming skincare post will be about another brand that I like very much and is my go to when I can't afford Caudalie.  That is Simple.  A few of my girlfriends have already switched to it so I am excited to share with ya'll!

What are your favorite Caudalie products?

What oils do you use at night?  I'd love to hear your ideas!

Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great day!


  1. I'm hoping to try this product in my next Birchbox! Caudalie is much much cheaper in France, so I'm waiting until this fall to buy their products. I forgot which magazine, but some magazine did an interview with the founder of Caudalie and it was super interesting.

    Chloe | Wanderlust in the Midwest

  2. Are you going to France in the fall?? I would love to find this article and learn more about the company myself! Thanks for sharing Chloe :)
