Monday, August 25, 2014

Easy Labor Day Vanilla Blueberry Cupcakes with Lemon Buttercream Frosting

Happy Monday Ya'll!!  I can't believe we will be in September the end of this week.  Summer went by way too fast, as always!  I wanted to share a recipe that I make that you can easily do yourself and bring to whatever Labor Day celebrations you may partake in.  People will think you slaved over this recipe, it is that good! (If I do say so myself).  Don't worry, the pumpkin recipes are just around the corner!

I love to make sweets and such from scratch,  there is always something therapeutic to me rolling out the dough and crimping pie crusts.  But sometimes, there isn't time.  Today is one of those times.  

Here is what you will need for this recipe.

One box of vanilla cake/cupcake mix (you'll need eggs, vegetable oil & water)
Fresh blueberries
1 cup of butter (room temp)
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
Zest of one lemon
2 teaspoons vanilla
3-4 cups of powdered sugar
Heavy cream (1-2 tablespoons, if needed)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

First, let's make the cupcakes based on the directions on the box, easy peasy!!  

Fill the cupcake liners 3/4 full.  

Take the blueberries and mix them in a bowl with 1-2 teaspoons of flour.  You want them to be lightly coated, this will prevent them from sinking to the bottom of the cupcakes so you get one in each glorious bite. Plus, you won't even know the flour is in there.

Take about 5-6 berries and push into each cupcake.  I didn't push mine in as far as I should have just to show you that they won't sink. I made a few plain ones for my hubby as he is not a fan of fruit in cake, crazy, I know.

Put them in the oven and immediately turn the temperature down to 325 degrees and cook for 15-17 minutes until golden brown and fluffy.  I always check at 15 with a toothpick in the center.  If it comes out clean, they are done and don't need the extra 2 minutes.

While they are cooling, let's get the frosting started.

In a stand mixer, use the paddle attachment and cream the butter for 5 minutes on medium.  Add in the vanilla, lemon juice and zest and mix for about another minute on medium.  Take the powdered sugar and add into the frosting slowly, one cup at a time until desired consistency is reached.  You may not need it all and if it does get too thick, then add in the heavy cream, one tablespoon at a time.  Go ahead, taste it, it's soooooo good!!

Now layer it on the cupcakes and Voila!!

The blueberries and the lemons and vanilla all compliment each other so well.  This is a hit!

What is your favorite kind of cupcake?

Let me know if you end up making these and how they turned out!

Have a great day!!


  1. Those look super tasty! And great food styling, I wish my food pictures looked that good!

    1. Thanks hon! I wanted these to really be shown off :)
