Monday, November 17, 2014

Birchbox Man November 2014 Unboxing

Always brings a smile to his face

Since ya'll got to see my boxes today I thought I would share my husband's!  I absolutely love that he gets so excited with this subscription I got him and they have been spot on each time with this products.  Always manly and never too feminine.

My honey's goodies

The only unfortunate thing I will say right off the bat is he did not receive his sample choice and I know he was let down by that. I have emailed customer service the confirmation email to see what they say.

Now sure, the item they included was a $50 item but we choose what we choose for a reason.

Cherry Wood Ear Buds
These are from LSTN Headphones Bowery Earbuds. From a work standpoint, he cannot safely use these and really has no use for them so we will probably gift these as I know someone who probably would love them. The reviews on this product were mixed.

Next up is Notting Hill cologne by English Laundry.

Spray top sample

I LOVED this on him. MMMMMM :) Rich, woodsy, musky scent just the way I like my blue collar man to smell.  Ladies, this is a keeper! Get it for your husband! :) Oh and PS he really liked it too :)

Next is DTRT Foam Cleanser.

Face to Face

This cleanser is similar to a shaving cream, in that it is thick and really gets down deep into pores. Since most nights he comes home with his face covered in soot, this will really help.  He is really liking all of these face products targeted to men as they are hard to come by and they have always been really good deep cleansers as their skin is so much different than ours :)

Next up is RUSK paste.

I love this brand myself

My husband won't grow his hair long on the top like I want him to (different convo for a different day haha) but he can still use this texturizing paste and I for sure will be dabbling into this myself! :)

And last up is Basics for Men by Beckman Ultimate Tough Skin Relief.

another nice sized sample
The mans lotion.  My poor husband has very chapped hands and knuckles since they are his money makers.  It's funny even after our wedding pictures were taken I remember my brother in law told him he should have lubed up before the ring pictures :)  This will come in handy for him a lot and it's a nice sized sample too!  We are hoping it is not too perfumey as some of the reviews do say that.

And there ya go!  My honey's box.  Birchbox has tons of specialty pre made gift boxes to select for the holidays or you can gift a subscription.  It is only $20 a month and always, always, always has given us at least a $40 product in each box. You can't beat that.  Click HERE to sign up today to get your box for Christmas!!

What was in your Birchbox Man box this month? I love to compare based on other profiles.  Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great day! xo

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