Friday, February 27, 2015

January 2015 BarkBox Unboxing

I really can't believe I didn't post last month's BarkBox!!  It wasn't until I just went to write up the unboxing for this month that I noticed it so my sincerest apologies.

Last month there was actually an issue with the billing on our account and BarkBox was so wonderful that they sent us TWO boxes!! Shelby and Paisley lost their minds since they both got the same toy.

For the newbies to the page, everyone in the Miano household gets a monthly subscription so the pups can't be excluded.  BarkBox is a monthly dog box that is filled with treats,toys, apparel, etc., all based on your dog's weight. The box is $29 a month and is so worth it.  We get to find healthy, organic things that we might not come across and really awesome toys that aren't extremely marked up like at the stores.  If your dog loves an item, there is an easy re order code in the box that you just text to BarkBox and they charge your card on file and ship it to you!  If you don't like something, or the babes don't, you can also contact them about a replacement item!  They have STELLAR customer service.

So here is the box for January!

First, LOOK at that fuzzy adorable toy.  That is actually called a R2Pet Monster.  He squeaks and the girls love him and the fact they both have one to shake to death.  This is valued at $10.  The maker of the toy was actually left off of the card so I can't give credit where credit is due.

Our girls love fish, like their mama.  The Aussie Natural Alaskan Sockeye Strips blew their mind. They are nice and large and take Shelby (the puppy) much longer to eat than Paisley.  But sometimes I think it is survival of the fittest and that is why Paisley inhales her treats.  These are valued at $8 for a bag.

Okay so the weird looking thing in front did freak me out.  It is a "krunchie tube" which is really just a cute word for a dried trachea.  Dogs will eat any part, they are by no means picky.  We let our older dog have this instead of sharing with the puppy.  Even though the "puppy" weighs more than she does.  This is made by Butcher's Block Pet Treats and is valued at $2.

Caru Real Beef Stew.  An all natural version of an old classic.  Full of Omega's and fatty acids and deliciousness.  They loved this.  Valued at $6.

And last up for this month are Max and Ruffy's Blizzard Bites.  These are molasses and ginger treats and they actually smell really good.  I think Shelby liked these more than Paisley did so they surely won't go wasted on us.  These are valued at $5 for a bag.

This month's value was $31 which is actually fairly low based on previous month boxes.  However, from my POV, we got 2 boxes so we really did well this month!!  I will have this month's box up shortly, the toy they got this month I can't get Shelby to put down!!

The other thing I admire about this company is that 10% of every box sold goes to dogs in need.  This includes rescues, shelters, military dog organizations, search and rescue teams, low cost spay and neuter programs and many many more.

Click HERE to sign up for BarkBox and SPOIL your babies more than you already do!!

This post is sponsored by baby Shelby and her big sister Paisley.

If you sign up, let us know in the comments that you did!!

Have a great day!! xo

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