Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Vocal Point Surprise!!

I just wrote a few posts about how to get free stuff.  Read it HERE.  One of the companies that I mentioned is Vocal Point.   Vocal Point is an interactive, online community where the best brands are featured.  There are places to explore, write reviews, talk to people who like the same things and products you do and much more! The more you are involved, the more you get out of it!  Plus they are still updating the site and adding new features every few weeks so keep checking in, as I do.

I recently inquired as to how I could get more involved.  I wrote to Heather, the online manager and went about my day.  I told her about myself and what I was looking to achieve and of course let her know about the blog.

A few days later.........

I had no idea what it could be since I really keep track of most of the things I am waiting for since I have to provide feedback all the time!

Then I opened it and this is what I saw :)

Can you believe it!?!!??!!?  That was such a sweet, kind gesture and really made my day.  I have gotten overwhelming support on my blog and this was just amazing! Plus us bloggers need to stick together because it is tough out there, or out here or in know what I mean :)

And here is what she sent me.....

Not a shabby gift at all!

My favorite part, Let's go over the items :)

First thing I was most excited about was the Downy UnStopables In Scent Wash Boosters.  These are amazing. I have used them and the Gain ones before and they really make a difference in how long clothes smell fresh.  Plus I don't think they are too perfumey and overpowering.

Tide Pods.  These are really nice and make laundry super simple with this triple duty cleanser.

GAIN Dish Soap.  I haven't used their dish soap before but am happy with their laundry products so happy to try this out!

How did she know I use clinical strength deodorant? Hmmm....I used to only use Dove and swore by it because it was my favorite cucumber scent.  But I did receive a sample of Secret Clinical Strength before and once I tried it it worked just as good! Plus it is cheaper!  I don't sweat nearly as much and never have marks on my clothes.

Ah, nail polish to add to my ever growing collection.  I have never used Cover Girl nail polish before but the color is perfect for summer.

CoverGirl Blast Flipstick is also new to me. There is both an evening and day color which is nice.

Vidal Sassoon Moisture Pro Series Shampoo and Conditioner.  I may end up adding this to a giveaway only because I am a sulfate free snob now :) My hair hasn't had sulfates in months so I am afraid to use them.

Again, I was so happy to receive this gift from Vocal Point and it definitely got me excited about upcoming programs with them!

Sign up today with the links provided so you can start enjoying them too!

Have a great day!!

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